Awareness raising session on education funding mechanism
A6+A7 • Conference
On November 7, 2018, the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan organized an event at the Baku Convention Center.
According to the terms of the application acceptance for funding educational costs on the basis of competition of talented students who have difficulty paying education fee announced by the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The event was organized by the students at the Baku Convention Center on November 7, 2018 with the participation of higher educational institutions where applications of the students will be accepted.
The representatives of the Youth Foundation, the Milli Majlis and the Ministry of Education, as well as pro-rectors of 31 State Higher Educational Institutions and heads of student youth organizations participated in this event covering a large presentation on application acceptance program for competition-based funding of educational expenses of the talented students having a difficulty paying education fee and the topic on application mechanisms.
Taking into consideration the importance and necessity of organizing in coordinated form use of more students from opportunities created acording to the context of relative decree of the President Mr.Ilham Aliyev, raising awareness session was organized for participants on eucation funding mechanism.
The Executive Director of the Foundation gave detailed information on the importance of the announcement and the current situation in the session and, highlighted that the Supervisory Board, which is the decision-making authority paid special attention to above-mentioned direction which is one of the activitie direction of Foundation.
The participants of the event were informed about the significance of the work carried out by the Foundation and existence of real social order and concerns related to it by the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Parliament. Later, the interactive presentation on application mechanisms by the Foundation’s employee was demonstrated to the pro-rector and the heads of student youth organizations.
It should be noted that the application acceptance on funding of educational charges of the talented students who have difficulty paying their tuition fee by the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan will be lasted until 20 November 2018 at 20:00. It will be accepted via official website of the Youth Foundation.