8 march 2022 Zeynep Bastik Concert Zeynep Bastik performed her hit songs at the stage of the Baku Convention Center on the 8th of March, 2022.
1 march 2020 Leonid Agutin & Anjelika Varum Concert Leonid Agutin and Anjelika Varum performed with their hit songs at the stage of the Baku Convention Center on 1st of March, 2020.
26 february 2020 Könlüm Xocalı Conference An event called «My Heart Khojaly» was held on February 26 at the Baku Convention Center in connection with the 28th anniversary of the Khojaly tragedy.
12 february 2020 Benefits of Hosting Major Sports Events Conference On 12 February 2020, the Baku Convention Center hosted an event titled “Benefits of Hosting Major Sports Events” (BHMSE).
1 february 2020 2 february 2020 II Youth Cup of the Intellectual Clubs Conference On the occasion of the Youth Day of Azerbaijan on February 1 and 2 of 2020, the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan organized two days of intellectual competition «II Youth Cup of the Intellectual Clubs» with teams representing different regions and clubs.
25 january 2020 The Land of Volunteers— Azerbaijan Conference On January 25, 2020, the closing ceremony of the «The Land of Volunteers— Azerbaijan» event was held at the Baku Convention Center.
21 december 2019 6 january 2020 Jirtdan and Magical Robe Theater New season of “Jirtdan and Magical Robe” show took place for kids and adults!
6 december 2019 The role of Turkish Universities Alumni— II Baku Forum Conference On December 6, Baku Convention Center hosted the «Nasimi Year" — the 2nd Baku Forum of Turkish University Alumni in promoting our cultural heritage.
2 december 2019 DOSTtalks Conference Baku Convention Center hosted the «DOSTtalks» event dedicated to International Disability Day, which is organized by DOST Agency with the support of Baku Convention Center.
29 november 2019 1 december 2019 VIII National Congress of Azerbaijan Society of Cardiology Conference VIII Annual Congress of the Azerbaijan Cardiology Society (AKC) was held at Baku Convention Center.
25 november 2019 26 november 2019 100th Anniversary of Baku State University Conference On November 25-26, the Alumni Forum, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Baku State University, held at the Baku Convention Center.
22 november 2019 Peter Bence 2019 Concert The Baku Convention Center hosted the concert by Peter Bence on 22 November, 2019.